Saturday, October 1, 2011

Rock N Roll compared to Dubstep/House Music

When I was reading A Social History of Rock and Roll by Paul Friedlander, I realized that Rock n Roll and Dubstep have a lot in common. In the 1950's, adults and parents believed that Rock and Roll was "evil" and was too suggestive. Today, many parents see Dubstep and the "rave" scene as dangerous and associate them with drugs. Dubstep and other similar types of electronic music is extremely popular among teens and college students, just like Rock and Roll was popular with teens in the 1950s. Most adults listen to dubstep and just hear a bunch of random and loud noises, while the younger generation hears a song that they enjoy listening to. I personally believe that dubstep has the power to change your mood and make you happier. Whenever I hear a good dubstep or house song I feel like getting up and dancing and I feel happy. There is a feeling of excitement that also accompanies the happiness.

The music festivals described in the chapters we read remind me a lot of today's raves. Both the festivals and raves have many artists performing and a few headliners. The main audience for both were teens and parents saw these festivals as dangerous. Today, most parents associate drugs with raves. While it is true that many people do take drugs while at raves, many people don't. Everybody is there to enjoy the music and have a good time.

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